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default {\r\n \"error\": {\r\n \"100001\": \"Verification incorrect\",\r\n \"100002\": \"Account password incorrect\",\r\n \"100003\": \"Entity doesn't exist\",\r\n \"100004\": \"Account type inconsistent\",\r\n \"100005\": \"Remote API calling error\",\r\n \"100006\": \"The name already exist\",\r\n \"100007\": \"User is not found\",\r\n \"100008\": \"Verification code out of limitation\",\r\n \"100009\": \"Token acquiring error\",\r\n \"100010\": \"Verification code incorrect\",\r\n \"100011\": \"Amending ID doesn't exist\",\r\n \"100012\": \"Data error\",\r\n \"100013\": \"The code already exist\",\r\n \"100014\": \"Unallowed\",\r\n \"100015\": \"Login expired\",\r\n \"100016\": \"Cell phone number doesn't exist\",\r\n \"100017\": \"Image saved address incorrect\",\r\n \"100018\": \"Invalid timezone\",\r\n \"100019\": \"The company principal cannot be deleted, please change the principal first if you need to delete it.\",\r\n \"100020\": \"用户不是管理员\",\r\n \"100021\": \"参数是必须的\",\r\n \"100022\": \"无效时间戳\",\r\n \"100023\": \"无效的配置\",\r\n \"100024\": \"手机号已经存在\",\r\n \"100025\": \"角色已经存在\",\r\n \"100026\": \"pdf宽高比不符合\",\r\n \"100027\": \"国际区号与国家信息不匹配\",\r\n \"100028\": \"邮编不能为空\",\r\n \"100029\": \"详细地址不能为空\",\r\n \"100030\": \"原密码输入不正确\",\r\n \"100031\": \"电话号码格式错误\",\r\n \"100032\": \"当联系电话不为空时,区号所属国家必填\",\r\n \"100401\": \"Unauthorization error\",\r\n \"100403\": \"Declined for without access authorization\",\r\n \"100404\": \"Error not found\",\r\n \"100429\": \"请求过快,请稍后重试\",\r\n \"100500\": \"Server error\",\r\n \"110001\": \"Email already exist\",\r\n \"110002\": \"Product name already exist\",\r\n \"110003\": \"Product code already exist\",\r\n \"110004\": \"Product Id doesn't exist\",\r\n \"110005\": \"Verification info of the product packing already exist\",\r\n \"110006\": \"This currency account of user already exist\",\r\n \"110007\": \"Balance accound does not exist\",\r\n \"110008\": \"Tenant code reduplicate\",\r\n \"110009\": \"Cell phone number already exist\",\r\n \"110010\": \"Shipping features empty\",\r\n \"110011\": \"Identification content of product label already exist\",\r\n \"110012\": \"Customs info incompleted\",\r\n \"110013\": \"Default customs info is required\",\r\n \"110014\": \"Default customs info incompleted\",\r\n \"110015\": \"Name of sales source already exist\",\r\n \"110016\": \"Statement of account has been settled\",\r\n \"110017\": \"Payment settled statement already exist\",\r\n \"110018\": \"Balance account does not exist\",\r\n \"110019\": \"Name of contact address already exist\",\r\n \"110020\": \"Finance Account Exception\",\r\n \"110021\": \"Recharge can't be re-submitted because this serial number had been recharged or it's in processing.\",\r\n \"110022\": \"The image verification failed.\",\r\n \"110023\": \"Account has been bound to tenant.\",\r\n \"110024\": \"Account hasn't been bound to tenant.\",\r\n \"110025\": \"The balance credit is not enough.\",\r\n \"110026\": \"The recharge order has been processed and cannot be repeated.\",\r\n \"110027\": \"Exceptional Recharge Status\",\r\n \"110028\": \"Account audit result is not Failed.\",\r\n \"110029\": \"The currency does not exist.\",\r\n \"110030\": \"Currency not found\",\r\n \"110031\": \"Please upload product label.\",\r\n \"110032\": \"Payment exception\",\r\n \"110033\": \"Balance not enough\",\r\n \"110034\": \"Credit not enough\",\r\n \"110035\": \"Can not repeat paying.\",\r\n \"110036\": \"Can not repeat refunding.\",\r\n \"110037\": \"Refund failed\",\r\n \"110038\": \"Mainland China cell phone number supported only\",\r\n \"110039\": \"Account linked to this phone number does not exist.\",\r\n \"110040\": \"Recharge amount must be more than zero.\",\r\n \"110041\": \"No ShopId\",\r\n \"110042\": \"No payment receipt account info, please contact the administrator.\",\r\n \"110043\": \"Only one 'To be confirmed' allowed for each currency.\",\r\n \"110044\": \"Maximum recharge amount is 1,000,000.00\",\r\n \"110045\": \"Limit of overdraft unchanged.\",\r\n \"110046\": \"Overdue\",\r\n \"110047\": \"Loaded label identification code already exist.\",\r\n \"110048\": \"Company exist under current account grade class.\",\r\n \"110049\": \"The maximum time frame is 31 days.\",\r\n \"110050\": \"Product Not Found\",\r\n \"110051\": \"The company has been frozen.\",\r\n \"110052\": \"Refund amount must be more than 0\",\r\n \"110053\": \"Company name already exist.\",\r\n \"110054\": \"Company dose not exist.\",\r\n \"110055\": \"联系电话不匹配\",\r\n \"110056\": \"通用联系人数据处理中\",\r\n \"110057\": \"产品货号不符合规则\",\r\n \"110058\": \"包含电池电池信息必填\",\r\n \"110059\": \"运输特征信息错误\",\r\n \"110060\": \"电池类型不存在\",\r\n \"110061\": \"电池成分不存在\",\r\n \"110062\": \"角色不存在\",\r\n \"110063\": \"当前充值状态不可提交\",\r\n \"110064\": \"当前充值状态不可取消\",\r\n \"110065\": \"不是有效的Excel文件\",\r\n \"110066\": \"当前产品已被使用不允许删除\",\r\n \"120001\": \"Warehouse name already exist.\",\r\n \"120002\": \"Name of location type already exist\",\r\n \"120003\": \"Area name already exist.\",\r\n \"120004\": \"Location sequence number of area already exist.\",\r\n \"120005\": \"Sub-area or location available in this area.\",\r\n \"120006\": \"Outbound plan name already exist.\",\r\n \"120007\": \"Inbound plan name already exist.\",\r\n \"120008\": \"Warehouse code already exist.\",\r\n \"120009\": \"Fee code already exist.\",\r\n \"120010\": \"Warehouse does not exist.\",\r\n \"120011\": \"Allocation plan does not exist\",\r\n \"120012\": \"Carton info cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"120013\": \"Quantity setting incorrectly.\",\r\n \"120014\": \"Setting quantity exceed maximum limitation.\",\r\n \"120015\": \"Order info of wave task does not exist.\",\r\n \"120016\": \"This location is occupied.\",\r\n \"120017\": \"Update cannot be repeated when investigation status is investigation completed.\",\r\n \"120018\": \"Exceed the maximum allowed in this location.\",\r\n \"120019\": \"This location is occupied by products of other plan.\",\r\n \"120020\": \"This location hasn't been bound to any warehouse area.\",\r\n \"120021\": \"This location is not inbound area.\",\r\n \"120022\": \"This location is not outbound area.\",\r\n \"120023\": \"This location is not handing over area.\",\r\n \"120024\": \"Label handling result is required when the warehouse is distribution warehouse.\",\r\n \"120025\": \"Info modification is not allowed with current inbound status.\",\r\n \"120026\": \"Tracking number cannot be filled in with current inbound status.\",\r\n \"120027\": \"Plan cannot be confirmed with current inbound status.\",\r\n \"120028\": \"Shipping is not available with current inbound status.\",\r\n \"120029\": \"Abnomral status, cannot proceed with current inbound status.\",\r\n \"120030\": \"Stocking in is not allowed with current inbound status.\",\r\n \"120031\": \"Inbound error status in stock warehouse can only be Overtime on receiving.\",\r\n \"120032\": \"If inbound error status is overtime, client can only operate with Distribution Omission or Request Investigation.\",\r\n \"120033\": \"Incorrect tracking number.\",\r\n \"120034\": \"Dimension pictures and verifying pictures for stocking in are required.\",\r\n \"120035\": \"Pictures of product shortage are required when product shortage found for stocking in.\",\r\n \"120036\": \"Pictures of incorrect products are required when incorrect products found for stocking in.\",\r\n \"120037\": \"General stocking in if inbound quantity no less than packaging quantity.\",\r\n \"120038\": \"If outbound type is Amazon, Amazon transmission number and tracking number are required.\",\r\n \"120039\": \"If outbound type is allocating/transferring to local warehouse, warehouse info is required.\",\r\n \"120040\": \"If outbound type is other address, receiver info is required.\",\r\n \"120041\": \"If outbound type is not transferring to local warehouse, pallet service is required.\",\r\n \"120042\": \"If outbound type is transferring to local warehouse, product label handling is required.\",\r\n \"120043\": \"If outbound type is Amazon/other address, carton label is required.\",\r\n \"120044\": \"If outbound type is not transferring to local warehouse, payment method is required.\",\r\n \"120045\": \"If handing over type is self pick up, self pick up code is required.\",\r\n \"120046\": \"If handing over type is SE Logistics, logistics info is required.\",\r\n \"120047\": \"Info modification is not allowed with current outbound status.\",\r\n \"120048\": \"Cannot confirm with current outbound status.\",\r\n \"120049\": \"Labeling is not allowed with current outbound status.\",\r\n \"120050\": \"Cannot scan with current outbound status.\",\r\n \"120051\": \"Cannot reset scan with current stocking out status.\",\r\n \"120052\": \"Stocking out is not allowed with current outbound status.\",\r\n \"120053\": \"Handing over is not allowed with current outbound status.\",\r\n \"120054\": \"Same carton number already exist in current outbound plan.\",\r\n \"120055\": \"Stocking out is not allowed due to unscanned products.\",\r\n \"120056\": \"Please enter correct user's self pick up code when handing over type is self pick up.\",\r\n \"120057\": \"Stocking out is not allowed due to unhandled products.\",\r\n \"120058\": \"Wave task does not exist.\",\r\n \"120059\": \"Wave task has been taken.\",\r\n \"120060\": \"Carton number has been used in other plan.\",\r\n \"120061\": \"This carton was not assigned to current warehouse.\",\r\n \"120062\": \"Wave task can not be aborted with current status.\",\r\n \"120063\": \"Wave task hasn't been taken.\",\r\n \"120064\": \"Picking carton info doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120065\": \"Please assign the location type with picking carton.\",\r\n \"120066\": \"Detailed info of wave task doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120067\": \"Inventory inadequate in warehouse.\",\r\n \"120068\": \"Incorrect location.\",\r\n \"120069\": \"Incorrect target.\",\r\n \"120070\": \"Product picking completed.\",\r\n \"120071\": \"Product doesn't exist at inventory location.\",\r\n \"120072\": \"Picking task doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120073\": \"Outbound task can't be taken with current outbound status or has been taken.\",\r\n \"120074\": \"Task of this outbound plan hasn't been taken.\",\r\n \"120075\": \"Picking task uncompleted.\",\r\n \"120076\": \"Can not stocking in again with current outbound status.\",\r\n \"120077\": \"Unavailable picking carton, has been assigned with wave task.\",\r\n \"120078\": \"No sorted carton has been assigned with wave task.\",\r\n \"120079\": \"Picking carton has not been assigned with wave task.\",\r\n \"120080\": \"Incorrect quantity of sorted boxes.\",\r\n \"120081\": \"Sorted product unavailable, there is order info for it.\",\r\n \"120082\": \"Task of sorting doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120083\": \"Sorting completed for product.\",\r\n \"120084\": \"No enough product for picking carton.\",\r\n \"120085\": \"Task of sorting uncompleted.\",\r\n \"120086\": \"Incorrect type of sorted box area.\",\r\n \"120087\": \"Packing & outbound task doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120088\": \"Target incorrect.\",\r\n \"120089\": \"Scanning completed for product.\",\r\n \"120090\": \"Product verifying uncompleted for packing & outbound task.\",\r\n \"120091\": \"Target location is not transferred carton.\",\r\n \"120092\": \"Location hasn't been assigned to any area.\",\r\n \"120093\": \"Quantity of transferred products more than required quantity for task.\",\r\n \"120094\": \"No transfer task for transferred products.\",\r\n \"120095\": \"Product inventory inadequate.\",\r\n \"120096\": \"No inventory for product.\",\r\n \"120097\": \"This location can't be found in warehouse.\",\r\n \"120098\": \"Warehosue ID is required.\",\r\n \"120099\": \"Sequence number exceed limitation.\",\r\n \"120100\": \"Same warehouse type.\",\r\n \"120101\": \"Allocation plan doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120102\": \"Distribution warehouse info doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120103\": \"Stocking warehouse info doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120104\": \"Distribution plan info doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120105\": \"Distribution plan details doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120106\": \"Carton info of distribution plan doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120107\": \"Product parameters incorrect.\",\r\n \"120108\": \"Location info incorrect.\",\r\n \"120109\": \"Warehouse type incorrect.\",\r\n \"120110\": \"Area type of location unavailable(inactive).\",\r\n \"120111\": \"Product info doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120112\": \"Packing info doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120113\": \"Order status has been changed\",\r\n \"120114\": \"Product doesn't exist in warehouse\",\r\n \"120115\": \"Planned packing quantity exceed maximum limitation\",\r\n \"120116\": \"Planned packing quantity can't be empty.\",\r\n \"120117\": \"Same product found in this inbound plan.\",\r\n \"120118\": \"Outbound operating platform doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120119\": \"If inbound error status is incorrect product, client can't operate with Distribution Omission and Request Investigation.\",\r\n \"120120\": \"If client's operation is Change SESKU, product must be chosen.\",\r\n \"120121\": \"If client's operation is Request Investigation, investigation details is required.\",\r\n \"120122\": \"Please choose Inbound Plan.\",\r\n \"120123\": \"Serial number of Inbound Plan doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120124\": \"PIN code is incorrect for current operator.\",\r\n \"120125\": \"General specs of stocking in is incorrect.\",\r\n \"120126\": \"Invalid warehouse ID.\",\r\n \"120127\": \"Delivery address can not be empty.\",\r\n \"120128\": \"No anomaly for the verification of this plan, no need to recalculate.\",\r\n \"120129\": \"Sesku incorrect for this plan.\",\r\n \"120130\": \"Stocking location should not include outbound operating platform location.\",\r\n \"120131\": \"Incorrect area.\",\r\n \"120132\": \"This location/user has been assigned with other scanning gate.\",\r\n \"120133\": \"Carton number of plan is invalid.\",\r\n \"120134\": \"Shipping plan doesn't exist or status has been changed.\",\r\n \"120135\": \"Shipping plan details doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120136\": \"Shipping plan cartons haven't been completely scanned.\",\r\n \"120137\": \"Shipping plan cartons haven't been completely received.\",\r\n \"120138\": \"Shipping plan cartons info doesn't exist in warehouse.\",\r\n \"120139\": \"Shipping plan cartons info doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120140\": \"Verified length/width/height are required for shipping plan cartons.\",\r\n \"120141\": \"Verification of shipping plan carton exceed the deviation threshold value.\",\r\n \"120142\": \"If stocking in with quantify shortage, received quantify must be less than packing quantity but more than zero.\",\r\n \"120143\": \"Logistics center warehouse can't find the shipping plan.\",\r\n \"120144\": \"Shipping plan details doesn't exist or status has been changed.\",\r\n \"120145\": \"This location code already exist in the bound area.\",\r\n \"120146\": \"Shipping plan logistics info doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120147\": \"This outbound plan was not assigned to current operator.\",\r\n \"120148\": \"Storage fee settings doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120149\": \"SE Logistics is not supported for the warehouse/address.\",\r\n \"120150\": \"Target warehouse for stocking out can not be the outbound warehouse.\",\r\n \"120151\": \"Picking carton error, wave task has been assigned with picking carton.\",\r\n \"120152\": \"Carton size(length/width/height) bigger than pallet maximum size(length/width/height).\",\r\n \"120153\": \"Shipping plan can't be created due to no address for selected warehouse.\",\r\n \"120154\": \"Packing & outbound task has been assigned to a outbound operating platform.\",\r\n \"120155\": \"Employee's cell phone number already exist.\",\r\n \"120156\": \"Shipping plan can not be edited with current status.\",\r\n \"120157\": \"New location code incorrect.\",\r\n \"120158\": \"Address of distribution warehouse doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120159\": \"Delivery address doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120160\": \"Shipping plan can't be created due to no address for selected warehouse.\",\r\n \"120161\": \"Delivery address of shipping plan is incompleted.\",\r\n \"120162\": \"Pick Up on door has been assigned to shipping plan, contact person and contact number are required.\",\r\n \"120163\": \"Packaging volume or volume-weight is inadequate.\",\r\n \"120164\": \"Shipping plan name already exist.\",\r\n \"120165\": \"Same shipping plan name, no need to modify.\",\r\n \"120166\": \"No verified fee for shipping plan, unpayable.\",\r\n \"120167\": \"Volume or weight of shipping plan exceeding standard.\",\r\n \"120168\": \"Shipping address of shipping plan doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120169\": \"Pick Up Branch doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120170\": \"Only one currency allowed for the quotation of shipping plan customs.\",\r\n \"120171\": \"Shipping plan doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120172\": \"Shipping plan has been paid.\",\r\n \"120173\": \"Token or machine code transferred from scanning gate incorrect.\",\r\n \"120174\": \"Warehouse info for scanning gate not found.\",\r\n \"120175\": \"Outbound operating platform can not be assigned to while product collecting or stocking out.\",\r\n \"120176\": \"Pick Up Task of Shipping Plan doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120177\": \"Employee info not found.\",\r\n \"120178\": \"Pick Up status of shipping plan has been updated.\",\r\n \"120179\": \"Pick Up arrival time of shipping plan is required.\",\r\n \"120180\": \"Pick Up estimated arrival time of shipping plan hasn't been set.\",\r\n \"120181\": \"Pick Up estimated arrival time of shipping plan can not be earlier than current time.\",\r\n \"120182\": \"Pick Up on door of shipping plan is uncompleted.\",\r\n \"120183\": \"Shipping plan has been refunded\",\r\n \"120184\": \"Shipping plan hasn't been paid, refund unavailable.\",\r\n \"120185\": \"Shipping plan automatically created for stocking in/out can not be deleted.\",\r\n \"120186\": \"Product inventory in this location is inadequate.\",\r\n \"120187\": \"Distribution order doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120188\": \"This location is not allocation operating platform.\",\r\n \"120189\": \"This location is not Collect Carton.\",\r\n \"120190\": \"This Collect Carton was not assigned to this allocation operating platform.\",\r\n \"120191\": \"Allocation operating platform has not been created.\",\r\n \"120192\": \"Packaging quantity of allocation plan incorrect.\",\r\n \"120193\": \"Carton label hasn't been printed for this carton.\",\r\n \"120194\": \"There is incompletely packaged carton in this plan.\",\r\n \"120195\": \"Collect Task doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120196\": \"Collect Task details doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120197\": \"Collect Task has been taken.\",\r\n \"120198\": \"Collect Task hasn't been taken.\",\r\n \"120199\": \"Move the carton into unsupported area.\",\r\n \"120200\": \"Move the carton out from unsupported area.\",\r\n \"120201\": \"Collecting Task Completed\",\r\n \"120202\": \"The carton has been assigned to other Collecting Task.\",\r\n \"120203\": \"The carton is not found.\",\r\n \"120204\": \"The area type of collecting carton is incorrect.\",\r\n \"120205\": \"No carton has been assigned to the Collecting Task.\",\r\n \"120206\": \"The location info of Collecting Task does not exist.\",\r\n \"120207\": \"This product has been collected.\",\r\n \"120208\": \"The volume of package allocated to Storage Plan is too small.\",\r\n \"120209\": \"Collecting Task uncompleted.\",\r\n \"120210\": \"Sub-department exist under this department.\",\r\n \"120211\": \"Employee exist under this department.\",\r\n \"120212\": \"Payment record doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"120213\": \"Logistics unsupported for delivery address.\",\r\n \"120214\": \"User has paied for the Shipping Plan.\",\r\n \"120215\": \"Product doesn't exist at current location.\",\r\n \"120216\": \"No product added for the Shipping Plan.\",\r\n \"120217\": \"Product of the Shipping Plan has been shipped out.\",\r\n \"120218\": \"Product of the Shipping Plan has been delivered.\",\r\n \"120219\": \"Shipping Plan has been cancelled.\",\r\n \"120220\": \"Tracking Number is required for the Shipping Plan.\",\r\n \"120221\": \"Tracking Number of the Shipping Plan is incorrect.\",\r\n \"120222\": \"There is minimum weight limitation for pick up on door of Shipping Plan.\",\r\n \"120223\": \"When the Outbound Type is MercadoLibre, SELLER ID and Inbound Number cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"120224\": \"Logistics Charges unavailable due to carton dimension or weight oversize of Shipping Plan.\",\r\n \"120225\": \"FCL Appointment not found.\",\r\n \"120226\": \"Shipping Plan cannot be deleted currently.\",\r\n \"120227\": \"Inbound Plan not found.\",\r\n \"120228\": \"Outbound Plan not found.\",\r\n \"120229\": \"Location not found.\",\r\n \"120230\": \"Area not found.\",\r\n \"120231\": \"Disposal Task not found.\",\r\n \"120232\": \"Gate not found.\",\r\n \"120233\": \"Storage Fee not found.\",\r\n \"120234\": \"Handling Fee not found.\",\r\n \"120235\": \"Package Fee not found.\",\r\n \"120236\": \"Shippping Plan has been proceeded, Inbound Plan cannot be cancelled.\",\r\n \"120237\": \"Shippping Plan has been proceeded, Outbound Plan cannot be cancelled.\",\r\n \"120238\": \"Logistics Charges is charged by Chargeable Weight,Chargeable Volume can only be empty.\",\r\n \"120239\": \"Logistics Charges is charged by Chargeable Volume,Chargeable Weight can only be empty.\",\r\n \"120240\": \"If the Hand Over Type is Self Pick Up, Pick Up Type is required.\",\r\n \"120241\": \"If the Pick Up Type is Truck, Pick Up code is required.\",\r\n \"120242\": \"Shipping Order Number already exist for this client.\",\r\n \"120243\": \"Destination Type unsupported.\",\r\n \"120244\": \"If the Destination Type is Other Address, Receiver Information is required.\",\r\n \"120245\": \"If the Destination Type is MercadoLibre, Warehouse Id is required.\",\r\n \"120246\": \"If the Destination Type is FBA, Warehouse Id is required.\",\r\n \"120247\": \"If the Destination Type is SE Warehouse, Warehouse Id is required.\",\r\n \"120248\": \"Shipping Order not found.\",\r\n \"120249\": \"Supplier Logistics Solution is unavailable for current Shipping Order status.\",\r\n \"120250\": \"Shipping Order cannot be cancelled with current status.\",\r\n \"120251\": \"Pre-entry is unavailable for current Shipping Order status.\",\r\n \"120252\": \"To Be Online is unavailable for current Shipping Order status.\",\r\n \"120253\": \"To Be Received With Signature is unavailable for current Shipping Order status.\",\r\n \"120254\": \"Received With Signature is unavailable for current Shipping Order status.\",\r\n \"120255\": \"Handling Type of current Shipping Order is unsupported.\",\r\n \"120256\": \"Beyond maximum available carton quantity for outbound.\",\r\n \"120257\": \"Return details cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"120258\": \"Appearance Inspection must be chosen when Function Inspection is chosen.\",\r\n \"120259\": \"Return package number already exist.\",\r\n \"120260\": \"Return Plan does not exist.\",\r\n \"120261\": \"Return Plan status has been changed.\",\r\n \"120262\": \"Picture of Customs Clearance Type of Shipping Plan is required.\",\r\n \"120263\": \"Working Platform code is incorrect, please assign Inbound Area.\",\r\n \"120264\": \"Return Plan Completed\",\r\n \"120265\": \"Return Plan Cancelled\",\r\n \"120266\": \"Recognizable Label of Return Plan product unfound.\",\r\n \"120267\": \"Fees configuration does not exist.\",\r\n \"120268\": \"Inbound of Return Plan uncompleted.\",\r\n \"120269\": \"Product of Return Plan has not been stocked in.\",\r\n \"120270\": \"Verified length/width/height of Return Plan product is required.\",\r\n \"120271\": \"Return Plan product has not been verified.\",\r\n \"120272\": \"Return Plan has been assigned to other working platform.\",\r\n \"120273\": \"Refund unavailable for current status of Return Plan.\",\r\n \"120274\": \"Label Fee has not been set for Return Plan.\",\r\n \"120275\": \"Return Service Fee has not been set for Return Plan.\",\r\n \"120276\": \"Standard Inspection Fee has not been set for Return Plan.\",\r\n \"120277\": \"Disposal Fee has not been set for Return Plan.\",\r\n \"120278\": \"Function Inspection Surcharge has not been set for Return Plan.\",\r\n \"120279\": \"Modification unavailable for current status.\",\r\n \"120280\": \"Product FNSKU cannot be repeated for current Return Plan.\",\r\n \"120281\": \"Disposal unavailable since Standard Inspection was not chosen for the Return Plan.\",\r\n \"120282\": \"Only unqualified product can be disposed for the Return Plan.\",\r\n \"120283\": \"Warehouse has been suspended.\",\r\n \"120284\": \"Disposal Fee must be configured for warehouse when the Inspection is chosen.\",\r\n \"120285\": \"Current Shipping Plan cannot be cancelled.\",\r\n \"120286\": \"Carton Label Fee has not been set for Distribution Order.\",\r\n \"120287\": \"Outbound Handling Fee has not been set for Distribution Order.\",\r\n \"120288\": \"Handling Fee has not been set for Distribution Order.\",\r\n \"120289\": \"Package Material is required for Distribution Order.\",\r\n \"120290\": \"Product Quantity is required for Distribution Order.\",\r\n \"120291\": \"Allocation Plan is unsupported currently.\",\r\n \"120292\": \"Outbound Handling is unsupported for current warehouse.\",\r\n \"120293\": \"The Address Type is unsupported for current channel.\",\r\n \"120294\": \"Inventory insufficient for other locations.\",\r\n \"120295\": \"Sorting uncompleted.\",\r\n \"120296\": \"Sorting Box has not been enabled.\",\r\n \"120297\": \"Warehouse location unavailable.\",\r\n \"120298\": \"Order Status unmatched for Packing and Outbound Task.\",\r\n \"120299\": \"Manual Recognization Fee must be configured for the warehouse when Manual Recognization is chosen.\",\r\n \"120300\": \"This product is unsupported for the packing.\",\r\n \"120301\": \"Manual Recognization Fee must be configured for the warehouse when Manual Recognization is chosen.\",\r\n \"120302\": \"Completing Collecting Task failed.\",\r\n \"120303\": \"Cancelling Distribution Order failed.\",\r\n \"120304\": \"Self Pick Up Fee has not been configured for this warehouse.\",\r\n \"120305\": \"3rd Party Waybill is required for Distribution Order.\",\r\n \"120306\": \"3rd Party Waybill is required for Distribution Order.\",\r\n \"120307\": \"Including products does not belong to current user.\",\r\n \"120308\": \"This carton does not belong to the user.\",\r\n \"120309\": \"Outbound Handling Fee of this warehouse has not been configured yet.\",\r\n \"120310\": \"Label Handling Fee of this warehouse has not been configured yet.\",\r\n \"120311\": \"Pallet Handling Fee of this warehouse has not been configured yet.\",\r\n \"120312\": \"Packing Fee of this warehouse has not been configured yet.\",\r\n \"120313\": \"File format of 3rd Party Waybill incorrect.\",\r\n \"120314\": \"Return Plan can be modified only one time.\",\r\n \"120315\": \"Tracking Number of returned package does not comply with the rules.\",\r\n \"120316\": \"Sorting Completed\",\r\n \"120317\": \"Sorting Task Completed\",\r\n \"120318\": \"Suspension is not allowed with current status of the Sorting Task.\",\r\n \"120319\": \"Creating order of Wave Task failed.\",\r\n \"120320\": \"It's been shipped out for the Packing and Outbound Task.\",\r\n \"120321\": \"Waybill was not printed or Tracking Number was not input.\",\r\n \"120322\": \"Off-line Logistics Waybill is not allowed for 3rd Party Waybill.\",\r\n \"120323\": \"请选择派送方式\",\r\n \"120324\": \"配送订单已取消\",\r\n \"120325\": \"运单处理中\",\r\n \"120326\": \"未找到该计划对应的箱\",\r\n \"120327\": \"入库计划处理中\",\r\n \"120328\": \"出库计划处理中\",\r\n \"120329\": \"调拨计划处理中\",\r\n \"120330\": \"闸机处理中\",\r\n \"120331\": \"仓库库位处理中\",\r\n \"120332\": \"仓库库位类型处理中\",\r\n \"120333\": \"仓库区域处理中\",\r\n \"120334\": \"仓库库位任务处理中\",\r\n \"120335\": \"入库请求调查处理中\",\r\n \"120336\": \"箱信息处理中\",\r\n \"120337\": \"配送订单处理中\",\r\n \"120338\": \"支付失败不创建退货计划\",\r\n \"120339\": \"仓库对公司的折扣配置已经存在\",\r\n \"120340\": \"运输计划该状态不能收货\",\r\n \"120341\": \"运输计划未开始收货\",\r\n \"120342\": \"运输计划当前状态不可退款\",\r\n \"120343\": \"运输计划添加到付异常\",\r\n \"120344\": \"运输计划不支持物流到付\",\r\n \"120345\": \"该状态不允许收货\",\r\n \"120346\": \"运输计划箱已取消\",\r\n \"120437\": \"待审核或者待支付状态才允许更新箱尺寸\",\r\n \"120439\": \"分拣未完成\",\r\n \"120440\": \"已申请退货\",\r\n \"120441\": \"配送订单用户未申请退货\",\r\n \"120442\": \"包装袋仅支持装一个产品\",\r\n \"120443\": \"配送订单包装材料体积或容重不足\",\r\n \"120444\": \"派送方式不支持\",\r\n \"120445\": \"物流方式不支持\",\r\n \"120446\": \"出库类型不支持\",\r\n \"120447\": \"目的地类型不支持\",\r\n \"120448\": \"运输特征不支持\",\r\n \"120449\": \"标签费未设定\",\r\n \"120450\": \"箱标费未设定\",\r\n \"120451\": \"操作费未设定\",\r\n \"120452\": \"归集费未设定\",\r\n \"120453\": \"卸货费未设置\",\r\n \"120454\": \"爽约金未设置\",\r\n \"120455\": \"请求调查证明材料必须的\",\r\n \"120456\": \"请求调查证明材料最多3张\",\r\n \"120457\": \"退货来源不支持\",\r\n \"120458\": \"可识别码类型错误\",\r\n \"120459\": \"仓库退货存储区域处理中\",\r\n \"120460\": \"当前退货暂存区域存在包裹\",\r\n \"120461\": \"当前退货暂存区域存在子区域\",\r\n \"120462\": \"退货暂存区未找到\",\r\n \"120463\": \"退货暂存区不能被使用\",\r\n \"120464\": \"暂存费未设定\",\r\n \"120465\": \"暂存信息不存在\",\r\n \"120466\": \"超过配置期限无匹配的退货信息才能被销毁\",\r\n \"120468\": \"订单不存在或状态已改变\",\r\n \"120469\": \"无匹配的退货暂存才能移库\",\r\n \"120470\": \"有退货计划不能被销毁\",\r\n \"120471\": \"退货工作台不存在\",\r\n \"120472\": \"已匹配暂存区包裹,不可修改\",\r\n \"120473\": \"当前包裹已销毁\",\r\n \"120474\": \"退货记录不存在\",\r\n \"120475\": \"运单取消异常\",\r\n \"120476\": \"该状态不允许退款或赔付\",\r\n \"120477\": \"订已完成退款\",\r\n \"120478\": \"已完成赔付\",\r\n \"120479\": \"操作数量必须大于等于1\",\r\n \"120480\": \"卡车费用不存在\",\r\n \"120481\": \"报价类型不存在\",\r\n \"120482\": \"服务等级不存在\",\r\n \"120483\": \"附加选项不存在\",\r\n \"120484\": \"当报价类型为WG时服务等级必须的\",\r\n \"120485\": \"运输计划处理中\",\r\n \"120486\": \"不支持ExceptionInvestigationResult\",\r\n \"120487\": \"区域不存在\",\r\n \"120489\": \"入库计划已处理不能取消\",\r\n \"120490\": \"调拨计划不存在或者状态已改变\",\r\n \"120491\": \"调拨计划处理中\",\r\n \"120492\": \"订单允许最大数量\",\r\n \"120493\": \"包装材料不存在\",\r\n \"120494\": \"包装材料不可用\",\r\n \"120495\": \"物流方案不支持\",\r\n \"120496\": \"合并包装费未设置\",\r\n \"120497\": \"合并包装费不支持\",\r\n \"120498\": \"包装材料类型不支持\",\r\n \"120499\": \"电话所属国家不存在\",\r\n \"130001\": \"Name already exist.\",\r\n \"130002\": \"Currency code already exist.\",\r\n \"130003\": \"Over 20 files uploaded in one time.\",\r\n \"130004\": \"Single file size bigger than 5MB\",\r\n \"130005\": \"Label bar code analyzing failed.\",\r\n \"130006\": \"Province doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"130007\": \"Country doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"130008\": \"City doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"130009\": \"County doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"130010\": \"Invalid Currency\",\r\n \"130011\": \"解析条码格式不支持\",\r\n \"130012\": \"费用配置币种已存在\",\r\n \"130013\": \"费用配置不存在\",\r\n \"130014\": \"上传文件格式不支持\",\r\n \"130015\": \"上传文件最大50MB\",\r\n \"130016\": \"Base64文件格式错误\",\r\n \"130017\": \"解析条码失败\",\r\n \"130018\": \"电话区号所属国家不存在\",\r\n \"130019\": \"每次最多上传100条\",\r\n \"140000\": \"Logistics solution not found.\",\r\n \"140001\": \"Country of Logistics solution address incorrect.\",\r\n \"140002\": \"Province/State of Logistics solution address incorrect.\",\r\n \"140003\": \"City of Logistics solution address incorrect.\",\r\n \"140004\": \"County of Logistics solution address incorrect.\",\r\n \"140005\": \"Charges template not found.\",\r\n \"140006\": \"Charges template settings can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140007\": \"Starting weight can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140008\": \"Terminating weight must be more than starting weight.\",\r\n \"140009\": \"First weight charge can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140010\": \"Additional weight unit must be more than zero.\",\r\n \"140011\": \"Additional weight unit price can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140012\": \"Weight section must be serial.\",\r\n \"140013\": \"Weight can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140014\": \"Charges can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140015\": \"Billing method incorrect.\",\r\n \"140016\": \"Quantity can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140017\": \"Quantity of each page must be more than zero.\",\r\n \"140018\": \"Weight type incorrect.\",\r\n \"140019\": \"Starting length can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140020\": \"Terminating length must be more than starting weight.\",\r\n \"140021\": \"Surcharge billing method incorrect.\",\r\n \"140022\": \"Interval must be more than zero.\",\r\n \"140023\": \"Surcharge configurations not found.\",\r\n \"140024\": \"Configured data of surcharge incompleted.\",\r\n \"140025\": \"Configured data of surcharge incorrect.\",\r\n \"140026\": \"Area not found.\",\r\n \"140027\": \"Country data not found.\",\r\n \"140028\": \"Province/State data not found.\",\r\n \"140029\": \"City data not found.\",\r\n \"140030\": \"County data not found.\",\r\n \"140031\": \"Postcode prefix can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140032\": \"Area name is required.\",\r\n \"140033\": \"Country area can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140034\": \"Province/State area can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140035\": \"City area can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140036\": \"County area can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140037\": \"Postcode area can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140038\": \"Charges name can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140039\": \"Charges name is too long.\",\r\n \"140040\": \"Minimum days can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140041\": \"Maximum days must be more than zero and minimum days.\",\r\n \"140042\": \"Discount can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140043\": \"Fuel surcharge can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140044\": \"Volume weight must be more than zero.\",\r\n \"140045\": \"Volume share ratio can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140046\": \"Interval of carry weight must be more than zero.\",\r\n \"140047\": \"Minimum weight can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140048\": \"Maximum weight must be more than minimum weight.\",\r\n \"140049\": \"Minimum volume can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140050\": \"Maximum volume must be more than minimum volume.\",\r\n \"140051\": \"Minimum chargeable weight can not be less than zero.\",\r\n \"140052\": \"Name can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140053\": \"Code can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140054\": \"Warehouse can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140055\": \"Packaging info can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140056\": \"Product info can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140057\": \"Target address can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140058\": \"Only two decimal places supported for weight.\",\r\n \"140059\": \"Only two decimal places supported for length.\",\r\n \"140060\": \"Incorrect logistics charges(possible reason: oversize, channel unsupported, etc.)\",\r\n \"140061\": \"Logistics account name can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140062\": \"Logistics account type unsupported.\",\r\n \"140063\": \"Logistics account configurations can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140064\": \"Source address can not be empty.\",\r\n \"140065\": \"DHL & USPS currently unsupported.\",\r\n \"140066\": \"Account info doesn't exist.\",\r\n \"140067\": \"Creating logistics paper failed.\",\r\n \"140068\": \"International shipping currently supported.\",\r\n \"140069\": \"Oversize for Fedex: length+(width+height)*2 can not be more than 330CM\",\r\n \"140070\": \"Weight can not be more than 68kg for Fedex.\",\r\n \"140071\": \"Acquiring tracking info failed.\",\r\n \"140072\": \"Area Mark is required.\",\r\n \"140073\": \"Area Mark incorrect.\",\r\n \"140074\": \"Special Area unfound.\",\r\n \"140075\": \"Country of Logistics Plan is different with the one of Logistics Center.\",\r\n \"140076\": \"JSON data of the Account is incorrect.\",\r\n \"140077\": \"Logistics Channel of Logistics Account cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"140078\": \"Hand Over Type of Logistics Account cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"140079\": \"Built-in Channel unfound.\",\r\n \"140080\": \"Address Type of Embargo Settings of Logistics Solution is incorrect.\",\r\n \"140081\": \"Logistics Formula Mode incorrect.\",\r\n \"140082\": \"Discount must be more than 0%, less than or equal to 100%.\",\r\n \"140083\": \"Account Class unfound.\",\r\n \"140084\": \"Discount of the Acccount Class already existed.\",\r\n \"140085\": \"Discount Info unfound.\",\r\n \"140086\": \"Address Type of Limited-Shipping Settings of Logistics Solution is incorrect.\",\r\n \"140087\": \"Limited-Shipping Settings of Logistics Solution unfound.\",\r\n \"140088\": \"Embargo Settings of Logistics Solution unfound.\",\r\n \"140089\": \"Commission Ratio cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"140090\": \"VAT of Logistics Solution is required.\",\r\n \"140091\": \"Discount must be more than 0%, less than or equal to 100%.\",\r\n \"140092\": \"禁运配置处理中\",\r\n \"140093\": \"限运配置处理中\",\r\n \"140094\": \"计费方式错误\",\r\n \"140095\": \"接口账户必填\",\r\n \"150000\": \"Supplier Solution unfound.\",\r\n \"150001\": \"Country is incorrect of Supplier Solution.\",\r\n \"150002\": \"Province/State is incorrect of Supplier Solution.\",\r\n \"150003\": \"City is incorrect of Supplier Solution.\",\r\n \"150004\": \"County is incorrect of Supplier Solution.\",\r\n \"150005\": \"Charges Template unfound.\",\r\n \"150006\": \"Configuration Items of Charges Template cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150007\": \"Initial Weight cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150008\": \"Terminating Weight must be more than Initial Weight.\",\r\n \"150009\": \"First Weight charges cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150010\": \"Additional Weight unit must be more than 0.\",\r\n \"150011\": \"Additional Weight unit price cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150012\": \"Weight Section should be sequential.\",\r\n \"150013\": \"Weight cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150014\": \"Charges cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150015\": \"Charge Mode incorrect.\",\r\n \"150016\": \"Quantity cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150017\": \"Quantity of each page must be more than 0.\",\r\n \"150018\": \"Weight Type incorrect.\",\r\n \"150019\": \"Initial Length cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150020\": \"Terminating Length must be more than Initial Length.\",\r\n \"150021\": \"Charge Mode of surcharges is incorrect.\",\r\n \"150022\": \"Gap must be more than 0.\",\r\n \"150023\": \"Surcharge Configuration unfound.\",\r\n \"150024\": \"Surcharge Configuration data is incomplete.\",\r\n \"150025\": \"Surcharge Configuration data incorrect.\",\r\n \"150026\": \"Area not found.\",\r\n \"150027\": \"Country data not found.\",\r\n \"150028\": \"Province/State date not found.\",\r\n \"150029\": \"City data not found.\",\r\n \"150030\": \"County data not found.\",\r\n \"150031\": \"Postcode prefix cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150032\": \"Area Name is required.\",\r\n \"150033\": \"Country field cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150034\": \"Province/State field cannot be empty\",\r\n \"150035\": \"City field cannot be empty\",\r\n \"150036\": \"County field cannot be empty\",\r\n \"150037\": \"Postcode field cannot be empty\",\r\n \"150038\": \"Charges Name cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150039\": \"Charges Name is over length.\",\r\n \"150040\": \"Minimal Days cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150041\": \"Maximum Days must be more than 0 and Minimal Days.\",\r\n \"150042\": \"Discount cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150043\": \"Fuel Surcharge cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150044\": \"Volume Weight coefficient must be more than 0.\",\r\n \"150045\": \"Volume Share coefficient cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150046\": \"Gap of Carry Weight must be more than 0.\",\r\n \"150047\": \"Minimal Weight cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150048\": \"Maximum Weight must be more than Minimal Weight.\",\r\n \"150049\": \"Miniamal Volume cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150050\": \"Maximum Volume must be more than Minimal Volume.\",\r\n \"150051\": \"Minimal Chargeable weight must be more than 0.\",\r\n \"150052\": \"Name cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150053\": \"Code cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150054\": \"Warehouse cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150055\": \"Package Info cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150056\": \"Product Info cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150057\": \"Target Address cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150058\": \"Only two decimal places supported for Weight.\",\r\n \"150059\": \"Only two decimal places supported for Length.\",\r\n \"150060\": \"Supplier Error.(Possible Cause:oversize, Channel unsupported, etc.)\",\r\n \"150061\": \"Api Account Name cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150062\": \"Api Code Type unsupported.\",\r\n \"150063\": \"Api Account configuration cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150064\": \"Sourcing Address cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150065\": \"DHL and USPS unsupported currently.\",\r\n \"150066\": \"Account Info does not exist.\",\r\n \"150067\": \"Creating supplier waybill failed.\",\r\n \"150068\": \"International Shipping unsupported currently.\",\r\n \"150069\": \"Fedex Length and Girth oversize, length+(width+height)*2 must be less than 330CM\",\r\n \"150070\": \"Fedex Weight must be less than or equal to 68KG\",\r\n \"150071\": \"Acquiring Tracking Info from supplier failed.\",\r\n \"150072\": \"Area Mark is required.\",\r\n \"150073\": \"Area Mark incorrect.\",\r\n \"150074\": \"Special Area not found.\",\r\n \"150075\": \"Country of Supplier Solution is different with the one of Supplier Center.\",\r\n \"150076\": \"JSON data of the account is incorrect.\",\r\n \"150077\": \"Supplier Channel of Supplier Account cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150078\": \"Hand Over Type of Supplier Account cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150079\": \"Built-in Channel is not found.\",\r\n \"150080\": \"Address Type of Embargo Settings of Supplier Solution is incorrect.\",\r\n \"150081\": \"Formula Mode of Supplier is incorrect.\",\r\n \"150082\": \"Discount must be more than 0%, less than or equal to 100%.\",\r\n \"150083\": \"User Class not found.\",\r\n \"150084\": \"Discount of this User Class already exist.\",\r\n \"150085\": \"Discount Info not found.\",\r\n \"150086\": \"Address Type of Limited-Shipping Settings of Supplier Solution is incorrect.\",\r\n \"150087\": \"Limited-Shipping Settings of Supplier Solution not found.\",\r\n \"150088\": \"Embargo Settings of Supplier Solution not found.\",\r\n \"150089\": \"API category unsupported.\",\r\n \"150090\": \"The Name already exist in API Management.\",\r\n \"150091\": \"API Management not found.\",\r\n \"150092\": \"The Name already exist in API Configuration.\",\r\n \"150093\": \"API Configuration not found.\",\r\n \"150094\": \"ITDIDA Logistics Type unsupported.\",\r\n \"150095\": \"ITDIDA Duty Payment Type unsupported.\",\r\n \"150096\": \"Carrier Channel Code of Fedex/Ups/Idida/Elvish cannot be empty.\",\r\n \"150097\": \"ITDIDA account configuration incorrect.\",\r\n \"150098\": \"Channel cannot support neither Commercial Address nor Residential Address.\",\r\n \"150099\": \"Waybill not found.\",\r\n \"150100\": \"VIWO signature exception.\",\r\n \"150101\": \"VIWO data exception.\",\r\n \"150102\": \"17 signature exception.\",\r\n \"150103\": \"17 data exception.\",\r\n \"150104\": \"Commission ratio cannot be less than 0.\",\r\n \"150105\": \"Discount must be more than 0%, less than or equal to 100%.\",\r\n \"150106\": \"Solution has been configured.\",\r\n \"150107\": \"标签生成失败\",\r\n \"150108\": \"数据处理中\",\r\n \"150109\": \"API接口处理中\",\r\n \"150110\": \"API方案处理中\",\r\n \"150111\": \"禁运配置处理中\",\r\n \"150112\": \"限运配置处理中\",\r\n \"150113\": \"极兔快递MX只支持墨西哥\",\r\n \"150114\": \"极兔快递区县名称必须\",\r\n \"150115\": \"极兔快递的允许重量为10G到30000G 即0.01KG到30KG\",\r\n \"150116\": \"Accufrate获取费用失败\",\r\n \"150117\": \"计算方式错误\",\r\n \"150118\": \"接口账户必填\",\r\n \"160000\": \"Partner Group Name already exist.\",\r\n \"160001\": \"Partner Number already exist.\",\r\n \"160002\": \"Corresponding Solution not found.\",\r\n \"160003\": \"Group Info does not exist.\",\r\n \"160004\": \"Partner not found.\",\r\n \"160005\": \"Partner commission not found.\",\r\n \"160006\": \"Group commission not found.\",\r\n \"160007\": \"Commission record has been added, record cannot be repeated.\",\r\n \"160008\": \"The value of partner tag already exist.\",\r\n \"160009\": \"Without commission ratio settings.\",\r\n \"160010\": \"No unsettled commission.\",\r\n \"160011\": \"Settling amount must be more than 0.\",\r\n \"170001\": \"Application does not exist.\",\r\n \"170002\": \"Invalid Application Key.\",\r\n \"170003\": \"Application is not authorized by the store.\",\r\n \"170004\": \"Application is not authorized for this API by the store.\",\r\n \"170005\": \"应用还未设置所需权限\",\r\n \"170006\": \"授权项标识已经存在\",\r\n \"170007\": \"授权项名称已经存在\",\r\n \"170008\": \"授权项必填\",\r\n \"170009\": \"授权项不存在\",\r\n \"170010\": \"申请记录已审核\",\r\n \"170011\": \"授权项不在授权应用中\",\r\n \"170012\": \"应用授权签名不正确\",\r\n \"170013\": \"无效的返回地址\",\r\n \"900000\": \"产品数量必填\",\r\n \"900001\": \"配送订单第三面单必填\",\r\n \"900002\": \"配送订单第三方面单文件必传\",\r\n \"900003\": \"文件格式不正确\",\r\n \"900004\": \"配送订单赛易物流必填\",\r\n \"900005\": \"配送订单派送方式必填\",\r\n \"900006\": \"赛易物流vatcode必填\",\r\n \"900007\": \"仓库不存在\",\r\n \"900008\": \"产品信息不存在\",\r\n \"900009\": \"仓库库存不足\",\r\n \"900010\": \"配送订单包装材料必填\",\r\n \"900011\": \"配送订单包装材料不存在\",\r\n \"900012\": \"包装材料体积或容重不足\",\r\n \"900013\": \"国家不存在\",\r\n \"900014\": \"省份不存在\",\r\n \"900015\": \"城市不存在\",\r\n \"900016\": \"区县不存在\",\r\n \"900017\": \"仓库/地址不支持赛易物流\",\r\n \"900018\": \"暂不支持赛易物流\",\r\n \"900019\": \"付款异常\",\r\n \"900020\": \"余额不足\",\r\n \"900021\": \"透支额度不足\",\r\n \"900022\": \"不可重复支付\",\r\n \"900023\": \"不可重复退款\",\r\n \"900024\": \"退款失败\",\r\n \"900025\": \"公司不存在\",\r\n \"900026\": \"逾期未付\",\r\n \"900027\": \"配送订单不存在\",\r\n \"900028\": \"配送订单状态已改变\",\r\n \"900029\": \"授权应用不存在\",\r\n \"900030\": \"无效的应用密匙\",\r\n \"900031\": \"公司已经被冻结\",\r\n \"900032\": \"应用没有获得公司授权\",\r\n \"900033\": \"配送订单状态已取消\",\r\n \"900034\": \"订单id或订单号必填\",\r\n \"900035\": \"产品必填\",\r\n \"900036\": \"配送订单费用未设定\",\r\n \"900037\": \"应用已经被关闭\",\r\n \"900038\": \"产品名称已存在\",\r\n \"900039\": \"产品货号已存在\",\r\n \"900040\": \"运输特征必传\",\r\n \"900041\": \"产品货号不符合规则\",\r\n \"900042\": \"传入的标签识别码重复\",\r\n \"900043\": \"标签图片不可空\",\r\n \"900044\": \"物流类别错误\",\r\n \"900045\": \"派送方式错误\",\r\n \"900046\": \"上传图片失败\",\r\n \"900047\": \"标签图片法解析条码失败或格式错误\",\r\n \"900048\": \"标签不存在\",\r\n \"900049\": \"默认标签不可删除\",\r\n \"900050\": \"申报国家海关信息不完整\",\r\n \"900051\": \"当前国家不存在或未开通\",\r\n \"900052\": \"当前币种不存在或未开通\",\r\n \"900053\": \"包装袋仅支持一个产品\",\r\n \"900054\": \"包含电池电池信息必填\",\r\n \"900055\": \"存在非法运输特征\",\r\n \"900056\": \"电池成分不存在\",\r\n \"900057\": \"电池类型不存在\",\r\n \"900058\": \"非法标签Id\",\r\n \"900059\": \"输入的信息不完整\",\r\n \"900060\": \"发自地址或者收货地址除address2 和 区县英文名称外其他是必须的\",\r\n \"900061\": \"不支持的枚举类型\",\r\n \"900062\": \"数据处理中\",\r\n \"900063\": \"状态不允许操作\",\r\n \"900064\": \"异常状态与客户操作类型不匹配\",\r\n \"900065\": \"超过最大数量\",\r\n \"900066\": \"计划暂不支持\",\r\n \"900067\": \"正则不符合规则\",\r\n \"900068\": \"同一单只允许一种货币,海关申报只能有一种货币报价\",\r\n \"900069\": \"地址的行政上一级不可空\",\r\n \"900070\": \"上门揽件不支持\",\r\n \"900071\": \"包含电池,电池信息必填\",\r\n \"900072\": \"当前包裹已销毁\",\r\n \"900073\": \"卡车报价已过期\",\r\n \"900075\": \"当报价类型为WG时服务等级必须的\",\r\n \"900078\": \"当前退货计划产品FNSKU不可重复\",\r\n \"900079\": \"退货包裹编号已存在\",\r\n \"900080\": \"邮编不能为空\",\r\n \"900081\": \"详细地址不能为空\",\r\n \"900082\": \"当前产品已被使用不允许删除\",\r\n \"default\": \"Operation error, please try it again later\"\r\n }\r\n}"],"sourceRoot":""}